Tell Me a Story/Students as Storytellers

Tell Me a Story/Students as Storytellers

Katy Muench-Oxford


Katy is a teacher and teacher trainer with over a decade of experience. She comes from the UK and has taught in Poland, Hong Kong, the UK and Turkey. She has taught all age groups in many contexts, including business English, at universities, IELTS, and young learners in both private and state schools. As well as teaching, she is an accredited Celta and Celt-S tutor. She enjoys working with teachers from all over the world and sharing teaching ideas on her website, fivethingselt. 


Tell me a Story/Students as Storytellers

Stories are a timeless approach to natural language acquisition and loved by children, teachers and parents alike. This workshop focuses on getting students to create their own stories and explores various activities designed at inspiring young minds. It is said that everyone has a story within them – let’s find a way to help them along their way!

Quota: 25

Venue: C10 / 11:15-12:15 ||| 14:30-15:30