Elif Yalçın

Elif Yalçın

Elif Yalçın was born in Izmir in 1976. She graduated from 9 Eylul University American Studies program. Since my graduation in 1998 she has worked at universities and private schools as an English teacher, head of department, translator and administrator. In 2010 she started her MA degree in American Studies. Later in her career she took the Young Learners/Very Young Learners PD and CELT-S courses. She has also been translating books for children and teenagers. She has a 20 year-old daughter. 

Neuroplasticity: Discover What Really Goes on in Your Students’ Brains

In the Neuroplasticity session, I wish to focus on the neural functions and what happens in the brain when a piece of information is received. By learning about the neural pathways, the neuro-transmitters and brain functions, we can better understand the outcomes of our actions in the classroom. When we understand the biological processes, we might have a more friendly and safe learning environment, thereby achieving our goals as teachers more sustainably and less tiringly.